Conversion Insurance
A conversion project is not always the simplest route of building, but ultimately is very rewarding. The essential ingredient of any conversion project is the existing retained element of structure. It plays an important role in the make up of the projects reinstatement value and is therefore a major element of the risk. Our staff have a wealth of experience and specialise in conversion insurance. We can cover every conceivable type of conversion project, from barn conversions to the ones you’ve seen on TV, remote lighthouses, follies and derelict structures.
How conversion insurance works
A typical conversion project will be a combination of existing retained element and the new conversion works. The existing structure could be a commercial building, or it could be a pile of stone that once formed the walls of a long since derelict bothy. Insuring both these elements with our conversion insurance, means you can be adequately insured.
The professional reinstatement value of all these works, including any temporary works, materials, plant tools and equipment, will need to be covered under the policy. Its important to remember that if you are managing the project yourself, then you should insure it on the basis of a professional reinstating the works. It’s best not to just work to your build cost as this can leave you underinsured.
A semi-derelict barn may require major structural stabilisation works. It is important to include the value of these works within the total reinstatement value. You will need to consider the replacement cost of any second hand materials being incorporated in to the conversion project. Public liability and employers liability is automatically included to ensure you have adequate cover against those risks.
You should ensure that your Conversion insurance policy is in place from the moment you exchange contracts on the property. To ensure adequate protection, the policy will need to continue until you have completed the works and taken it into full use.
Arranging a conversion insurance policy
The staff here at Protek have many years’ experience in helping people get the right cover in place for their projects. Our conversion insurance product is inherently flexible, offering varied product options and policy duration. Cover is comprehensive and competitive.
If you are utilising a contractor to carry out the conversion works, it is often difficult to ascertain who is contractually responsible for insuring the existing structure. Often the contractors insurance will not cover it. Conversion insurance can solve that issue quite simply.
Why should you have conversion insurance?
Most peoples contingency budgets do not extend to cover serious losses like a fire or flood. However, it doesn’t just end there. Claims for theft of materials, plant tools and equipment can also become quite expensive if not insured. A hired mini digger can cost £16,000 or more to replace. If digger is stolen, you may be liable for paying the continual hire charges until it has been replaced. This means the costs can continue to escalate even though it’s no longer in your care. Having the right cover in place can help to mitigate these situations.
Vandals could gain access to the part completed project. This could result in a huge amount of damage and destruction even if they don’t steal anything. It’s important to consider insuring the existing structure and the new conversion works. Remoteness of a site can just add to the risk issue. You may have neighbours in close proximity and accidental damage to their property could become expensive.
Building sites are hazardous places of work. Injury sustained by contractors, friends or visitors to site, could become your responsibility. Claims for injury are usually very large and can result in prosecution.
Essentially it’s just not worth leaving your project uninsured. Protek’s conversion insurance covers you for a range of eventualities.
Never run out of cover
Protek recognises that projects don’t always run to schedule. We have flexible cover periods on offer and the ability to purchase short term policies. This means you can effectively extend cover as required.
Structural Warranty
Don’t forget you will also need to consider a Structural Warranty. This can cover provide cover against defects in the design, workmanship, materials and components causing major damage. It will usually provide for consequential damage to existing structural elements. Cover is available for 10 years. For more information go to our structural warranty page.
Click here to get an idea of conversion insurance cost now.