Legal Expenses
It’s quite likely that during the process of building, converting or extending your home you will arrange a contract with an architect, supplier, trade or builder to perform a certain element of the project. Hopefully, the project will run like clockwork and you will end up with the finished home without any issues, but that’s not always the case. Sadly, disputes do occur and pursuing one can be a very troublesome and expensive affair. This is where legal expenses cover comes in.
Protek’s legal expenses (professional fees) policy covers claims which arise from a contract dispute during the construction of your self-build home, against a vendor, solicitor, architect, engineer, main contractor, surveyor, local authority, services utility or supplier of materials and takes away the worry of escalating legal fees. In addition, the policy also provides cover for the evicting of squatters from your premises, in the event they happen to move in to the part finished project before you do.
Legal advice & assistance
Every policyholder gets access to a legal advice helpline service.
Written Contract’s
It’s a stipulation of the Protek legal expenses policy that all contracts you enter into are evidenced in writing. Contact templates are readily obtainable on-line and do not cost very much to put in place. Relying on a hand shake or an estimate is a false economy. You can learn more here: